v1.1.0 - Holy Optimization!


  • Massive optimizations across the board. 
    • You'll still see some delay when using animated tiles when generating the board on intermediate and expert, but should be much improved. I'll continue to improve this overtime but I wanted to make sure to get out my first optimization patch to you all as soon as possible. 

Bug Fixes

  • Spamming input when resetting the board would result in visual bugs and instant victory
  • Sometimes the previous board wouldn't clear when starting a new one
  • Exiting a board with the "main menu" option and then going into the "visuals" config would show the previous board overlayed
  • Exiting a board with the "main menu" option would still show the button instead of "visuals"
  • Potential crash involving revealing a tile during timer operations

MY PLAYDATE ARRIVED... which means I could see the performance issues with the debug tools on device on Intermediate and especially Expert difficulties. 




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